First Announcement of the TAC-WC Conference 2019   – Jim Wang

The Taiwanese American Conference-West Coast (TAC-WC) will take place during July 19-20, 2019 at the University Guest House and Conference Center, located in the historic Fort Douglas (110 Fort Douglas Blvd, Salt lake City, UT 84113). The Guest House and Conference Center includes a 180 room hotel with spectacular views of Salt Lake Valley and the surrounding University of Utah campus. The Conference Center has approximately 30,000 sq. ft of unique meeting space. Its proximity to a TRAX train station allows one to make a direct connection to downtown and to Salt Lake City International Airport. The rooms are comfortable, with affordable rates and also with nice amenities such as complimentary hot breakfast and wireless. In the summer months, it is competitive to book the Guest House and Conference Center for events.

Dr. Jim Wang (Emeritus Professor of the University of Utah) serves as the Chairman of the Board Directors of TAC-WC for 2018-19. He also assumes the responsibility of organizing the TAC-WC 2019 conference. The board members had proposed several subjects that could be used as the theme for the conference. After discussion and deliberation during the past months, the board members have unanimously chosen: Serve America; Giving back to Taiwan to be the theme for the conference, with Dr. Ed Huang in charge of the speaker selection committee to invite speakers to expound on this conference theme.

In addition to enjoying talks delivered by distinguished speakers, seeing old friends and making new acquaintances, another conference highlight will be the after conference tours. Hoping to provide the conference attendees with a delightful and unforgettable memory of the conference long after returning home, Dr. Jim Wang has personally designed the itinerary of two tours, with one going north and the other going south of Salt Lake City after viewing the life performance of the Mormon Choir and Spoken Word at the Temple Square Tabernacle in the morning of July 21, 2019. Along the way, you will enjoy the beautiful landscape of stunning mountains, lakes and rivers from the windows of a chartered tour bus as you are taken to various locations.The northbound tour group will cruise to Jackson Hole, Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. While in Jackson Hole, Jim also arranged to have the tour group to participate voluntarily in rafting through the Snake River, from which one can comfortably view the magnificent snow-capped Tetons. One might also spot a moose wading in the back eddy, an osprey diving in the river, or other rare animals playing on the banks of the Snake River.

The southbound tour group will be guided to visit five spectacular National Parks in Southern Utah (Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce, and Zions). After touring Bryce Canyon National Park, the group is scheduled to lodge in Cedar City for the evening of July 23, 2019, in time to see the performance of a Shakespeare’s play Macbeth  at the world-renowned Utah Shakespeare Festival at 8 PM. The Utah Shakespeare Festival is widely recognized as one of the best professional theater events in the nation. It was awarded the Tony Award for outstanding “Regional Theater”. We are lucky to be in Cedar City during one of its short performance dates to see a performance.

驚艷 ! 驚喜!驚奇!2017美西夏令會精彩節目內容出爐了!!

好消息!訂房優惠延至6/23,並為鄉親爭取到更多房間,沒訂到房間的鄉親這次要動作快,不要又錯過了!註冊也跟著延到6/23以後才收late fee!


只有註冊聽演講的鄉親,一定要加購 7/8的晚宴,否則就聽不到顧立雄的演講及高水準的”台灣之夜”&音樂會喔!


7/8 晚上 Banquet Keynote Speaker 顧立雄:「台灣民主轉型的未竟之業—從轉型正義與不當黨產談起」

7/8 上午 我們的老朋友陳鈴津博士:「Taiwan Biomedical Industry: Opportunities and challenges」

7/8 上午 國際知名學者施芳瓏教授:「Departing from Panama’s Severing of Diplomatic Ties:Techno Third Prince Nezha Walking into Global Villages Making Friends 從巴拿馬斷交再出發:電音三太子哪吒 走進全球村落 結識朋友」


美西鄉親總動員,緊來報名夏令會 ! 享受飯店優惠只剩不到3個禮拜



夏令會的籌備委員真的是很努力,個個使出渾身解數、群策群力,為鄉親邀到的講員都是一時之選、講題更是貼近時代脈動。例如:顧立雄來談轉型正義及不當黨產;時代力量的年輕新血及執政黨的蔡易餘及優秀黨工來論司法改革及時政;還有更多專家學者及第二代企業家及傑出青年來分享他們的專業與熱情。所有精彩的節目都登在網站上( ),請大家上網瀏覽。


真的是不要再猶豫了!訂房優惠只到6/16,行動要快啊!有任何問題,歡迎聯絡: 賴惠玫(

Planning Committee in Full Swing

Dear friends, Happy Lunar New Year:

TAC-WC (Taiwanese American Conference – West Coast) 2017 has been scheduled for 7/7-7/9, to be held in one of America’s finest cities: the comfortable and scenic San Diego. The Planning Committee, chaired by Prof. Ming T. Tsuang and convened by Prof.James J Y Hsu, has been in full swing since August of last year, and has collaborated with the cross-generation organizations within the San Diego Taiwanese community to ensure that the conference will be an enriching experience. Continue reading “Planning Committee in Full Swing”

籌備團隊 陣容堅強


2017年美西台灣人夏令會已定於7/7-7/9在景緻優美、氣候宜人的聖地牙哥舉行。籌備委員會早在去年八月即已成軍,正如火如荼的進行各項籌備工作。籌備委員會由莊明哲教授擔任主席、許正餘教授擔任總召集人,結合聖地牙哥地區跨世代的台灣人社團成員協力參與。 Continue reading “籌備團隊 陣容堅強”

TAC-WC 2017 will be held in San Diego, 7/7-7/9

Dear friends, Happy New Year:

In July last year, the Taiwanese American Conference – West Coast (TAC-WC) was held in San Francisco, organized by the Taiwanese American Federation of Northern California (TAFNC) and the North America Taiwanese Professors’ Association. Needless to say, the conference’s atmosphere was welcoming, its scene grand, and its programs exciting. While the striking memory was still fresh, the San Diego team has been working hard to prepare for TAC-WC 2017 under the Chairmanship of Professor Ming T. Tsuang and the Convener General of Professor James J Y Hsu.  After many meetings, the team has decided that the theme of TAC-WC 2017 would be “Uniting Generation; Integrating Minds.” It seeks to combine the vitality of young people and the wisdom of senior people and stimulate a cross-generation interaction. Thus, Professor Charles Tu, the Program Committee Chair, has planned to cover political, economic, social and cultural subjects and other subjects. A conference tour has also been planned. Continue reading “TAC-WC 2017 will be held in San Diego, 7/7-7/9”




Continue reading “2017美西夏令會7/7-7/9在聖地牙哥舉行”