(2019美西夏令會第三次公告 3/16/2019)
活動時間:7/19-21, 2019
活動地點:University of Utah Guesthouse, Salt Lake City, Utah
會後旅遊:7/21-25, 2019
- 「2019美西夏令會」網站已由籌備會成員Tom Yu (現居Arizona )架設完成,網址https://tac-wc.org。籌備會將在網站上公布最新活動訊息、會後旅遊資訊。鄉親也可在網站上報名並了解費用明細,請鄉親多多利用。
- G-1講員:講員邀請由黃東昇(Ed Huang)理事負責。鑒於「交棒傳承」的重要及急迫性,黃東昇理事將相同比重的邀請G-1及G-2的講員。目前已邀請到的G-1講員有:
陳慧中(Cecilia Chueh):歷史學者、合唱團指揮,來自溫哥華。
黃河芬(Josephine Yang):FAPA南加州分會會長
洪英花(Ing Hua Hong):台灣知名法官
蔡明峰(Martin Tsai):台灣海外網版主。
Keynote speaker仍在積極尋找中。
- G-2講員:張雅美(前NATWA會長)亦協助邀請了五位學經歷俱佳的G-2講員,他們是:Chieh-Ting Yeh, Lily Wang, Christopher Lin, Deana Chuang 及Julie Wu。所有講員的簡介將公佈於網站上。
- 2019美西夏令會會後旅遊:詳細內容已公佈在網站上。北線(Salt Lake City—Grand Teton/Yellowstone)已無座位;南線(至南猶他州五座國家公園)仍有座位。歡迎東部及中西部的鄉親來參加南線的旅遊,有興趣者,請即刻經由網站預約訂房。南、北兩條路線均於7/21由Salt Lake City出發,於7/24回到Salt Lake City;7/25安排Salt Lake City一日遊。計畫續住一晚的鄉親,可搭於下午五時結束一日遊的巴士;其餘的鄉親可搭另一部巴士於下午三時直接送至機場。
我們七月在Salt Lake City等您喔!
2019美西夏令會總召集人王進賢敬邀 (949-836-6075)
During the winter months, several staff members went back to Taiwan to celebrate the Lunar New Year and to spend time with family and friends. Without them, the preparation work for the conference slowed down considerably. Two members have now returned and ready to move forward. The third will not be back until April; we agree to communicate with using Line or email if needed..
We set the clock one hour ahead to the daylight-saving time few days ago; performing this ritual reminds me of the arrival of Spring. With the coming of Spring, birds start to sing, abd plants begin to sprout and put forth buds and fresh leaves. Spring gives us vitality, and this will certainly propel the conference organization group to move forward and set the preparation steps in gear to make it ready for the conference to smoothly take place in July.
I would like to inform the work we have done since Announcement No. 2 was sent.
Tom Yu (TAC-WC member living in Arizona) has set up a website for 2019 TAC-WC: https://tac-wc.org. The website allows us to post and retrieve conference information, to do online registration, and keep track of registration payments, …etc. In addition to posting this announcement (Announcement No. 3), I shall also run it through www.TaiwanUS.net. We thank Martin Tsai, Editor of TaiwanUS.net for providing us the service. In order not to further encumber Martin, we shall post subsequent announcements on our website. It is thus important for the members to login the website to receive new information.
Conference Speakers: Ed Huang (Board member representing the San Francisco/Bay Area) serves as chairman for inviting speakers. Realizing the need for passing the baton to the new generation of Taiwanese Americans, Ed places equal weight on selecting generation 1 (G-1) and generation 2 (G-2) speakers at this conference. We have now three G-1 speakers accepted the invitation. They are Josephine Yang (黃河芬 FAPA President of the Southern California Chapter) 洪英花 (well known Judge from Taiwan); Martin Tsai (Editor of TaiwanmUS.net); to complete the G-1 speaker list , we are still searching for the keynote speaker. With the help of Yamei Lee (a former president of NATWA, North American Taiwanese Women Association), five young people with outstanding credentials have accepted the invitations as G-2 speakers and moderators. Their names are: Cecilia Chueh, Chieh-Ting Yeh, Lily Wang, Julie Wu, Deana Chuang, Chris Lin. The short bios of all speakers will be posted on the website.
The TAC-WC 2019 has organized two post-conference tours. Those tours are very popular. The northbound tour from Salt Lake City to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks is now full. The southbound tour to five NP in Southern Utah is still available but the bus seat is also filling up fast. The hotel cost of the southbound tour is rather reasonable compared with that of northbound. The price for staying at the La Quinta Inn & Suites in Moab [Telephone Number: 435-259-8700 or 1-866-527-1498; address: 815 South Main St., Moab, UT 84532], where the group shall stay on the evening of 7/21 has been renegotiated for the group rate of $154/room/night, including breakfast, not $165/room/night previously quoted in Announcement No.2. For 7/22 and 7/23 the group will stay at Abbey Inn, Cedar City (address: 940 W 200 N, Cedar City, UT 84720. Tel : 435-586-9966), with the group rate only of $110/room/night, breakfast included. Please mention that you are with the group TAC-WC when you call to book the rooms to receive the group discount rates for both hotels.
Both tours last for five days, with the last day (7/25) to tour Salt Lake City. The City tour is originally scheduled to complete at 5 PM for both buses. In order to make it convenient for those who plan to leave Utah on 7/25, we plan to have one bus ends the tour at the airport at about 3PM, and the other bus will stop at the guesthouse at about 5PM for the members who plan to overnight on 7/25. Hope this will help the planning on purchasing the return airline tickets.
— Jim Wang