查閱目前報名名單,請點按 Current Registration List 目前報名名單
Please follow ALL the steps below to complete your online registration for 2019 TAC-WC. 請完成下列所有步驟來完成參加會議以及旅遊註冊:
A) Fill out the participants information form by clicking the link. 填點按右邊連結,填寫註冊登記表格。 2019 TAC-WC Registration Form 登記表
B) Write a check with a correct due and mail the check to: 開列一張支票填上應繳金額,抬頭寫 TAC-WC 郵寄到。(Taiwanese American Conference-West Coast)
c/o Ms Angel Yang, 650 Bellevue Way NE #3403, Bellevue, WA 98004
C) Call conference hotel to reserve your room for the conference dates from July 19-July 20, 2019. If the room is no longer available, find your other hotel alternatives and reserve your rooms else where. 打電話到下列旅館訂房。如果旅館已滿,找附近其他旅館訂房。
Hotel address: University of Utah Conference Center/Guesthouse, 110 Fort Douglas Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT 84113
Room rate: $120/room/night, single/double occupancy ( including breakfast, free Internet Service)
Hotel phone number: (801) 587-1000, please refer to TAC-WC to get the discounted rate.
All hotel reservations must be secured by April 1, 2019 in order to enjoy the discounted rate ($120/rm/night).
For those intending to extend your stay and to pay the same room rate, please arrange with the hotel desk. 如果你有參加會後旅遊必須延長多一晚入住時間,訂房時請向櫃檯提出要求
D) If you are attending post-conference tour from 7/21-7/24, make sure to call respectives hotels below to reserve your rooms for the tour. If the room is no longer available, find your other hotel alternatives and reserve your rooms else where. 如果你有參加會後旅遊,請根據你的旅遊地點,確定自行向打電話到下列旅館訂房。如果旅館已滿,則請自行找附近其他旅館訂房。
For Nothern Tour:
Day1-2 ) Jackson (July 21 & 22) : Please call (a) or (b) for room seservations
(a) Antler Inn (43 West Pearl Ave, Jackson, WY 83001)*
We have reserved 11 rooms ($255/room/night). Antler Inn only accepts group reservation. Please contact Ed Huang (925-659-3683) for group reservation before Jan. 31. These rooms are available on the first come first serve basis
(b) Elk Country Inn (480 West Pearl Ave.,Jackson, WY 83001)* Telelphone : 307-733-2364
We served 10 cabin under TAC-WC name. Rate is $268/cabin//night. Each one of them contains one bed room with two beds and one sofa.
Day3 ) West Yellowstone NP (July 23)*:
Call Brandin’ Iron Inn (201 Canyon St, West YellowStone, MT 59758). Tel : 406-646-9411 ($204/room/night 含早餐 )。
Day4 ) Back to Salt Lake City (7/24)*:
Call University Guest-house (801) 587-1000, please refer to TAC-WC to get the discounted rate ($120/room/night)
Day 5 ) Salt Lake City (7/25) City tour finishes at 3 PM.
All the room can be cancelled with full refund one month before the check in dates. All three days the lodging fee does not exceed $800 (tax 10% excluded). You can save half of the price if you plan to stay 4 persons per room.
For Southen Tour (room reservations are not as urgent: 參加南部旅遊的會員應房間比較多,比較沒有訂房的急迫性。
Day 1 ) Moab, UT (July 21) : Archie National Park. Call the following hotel to book your room 請打電話至 下列旅館訂房
La Quinta Inn & Suites Moab (815 South Main St., Moab, UT 84532)** Telephone Number: (1-866-527-1498) ($165/room/night, plus tax 14.7, breakfast included)
Day 2-3 ) Cedar City, UT (July 22 and 23) : Call the following hotel to book your room 請打電話至 下列旅館訂房。
Abbey Inn Cedar City (940 W 200 N, Cedar City, UT 84720)*** Tel : 435-586-9966 ($130./room/night, plus tax 14.7% , breakfast included)
If you are watching the Shakespeare show “Macbeth”, please go their website to purchase your ticket ($58 for the middle front seat). Search “Utah Shakespeare Festival 2019” to find their ticket website. 觀賞 7/23 莎士比亞名劇 ” 馬克白 Macbeth” 的 鄉 親請儘早上網購票 ($58 為中間前排 位置 ) ,以免向隅。可搜尋 ”Utah Shakespeare Festival 2019” 購票。
Day 4 ) July 24: Tour Zion National Park, back to Salt Lake City at night time. 遊 Zion NP ,晚上巴士回 SLC,
Call University Guest-house (801) 587-1000, please refer to TAC-WC to get the discounted rate ($120/room/night)
Day 5) July 25: Salt Lake City Day Tour . The City tour finishes at 3 PM
E) We will be collecting additional tour fees, such as Bus fees, Park fees, etc, from those we will be attending post-conference tours at the conference. Actual amount will be determined and announced in a few weeks
For any questions regarding room reservations or ticket purchases, call 王進賢 (949-836-6075) for help 訂房、購票時,若有疑問,可洽詢王進賢 (949-836-6075) 。