2019 美西夏令會 (Salt Lake City, Utah) 第二次公告


2019 美西夏令會將於 7 19 20 日於 Salt Lake City (SLC) 舉行,主辦單位將於近期公佈為期兩天的詳細會議 容。本次公告僅就 7 21 24 日的會後旅遊做詳細 明。

SLC 鄰近數座壯麗的國家公園,主辦單位精心規劃了兩條 容豐富的會後旅遊路線。旅遊行程分為北、南兩條路線,均於 7/21 SLC 出發, 7/24 返回 SLC 。北線行經 Jackson Hole, Grand Teton 及黃石國家公園

Jackon Hole, Wyoming


Grand Teton NP
Yellow Stone NP

南線行經 Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce, Zion 國家公園,並參加 7/23 Cedar City 舉行 Shakespeare Festival 。南北兩線均乘坐舒 適的旅遊巴士,全程車資 ( 包含小費 ) 僅每人 $100

Arches NP
Canyonlands NP
Bryce NP
Zion NP

由於北線在夏季極為熱門,飯店一房難求,即使有住房,房價也是三倍於平日。北線 規劃在 Jackson 住兩夜 (7/21&22) 、黃石國家公園住一夜 (7/23) ,主辦單位費盡九牛二虎 之力為 親爭取到優惠房價但此優惠房價僅到一月底 (2019 ) 截止。擬參加北線旅 遊的親請務必於 1/31 前打電話去完成訂房 !

北線訂房步驟 說 明:

A) Jackson (July 21 & 22) :請打電話至 (A1) (A2) 訂房。

(A1) Antler Inn (43 West Pearl Ave, Jackson, WY 83001)*

[We have reserved 11 rooms ($255/room/night). Antler Inn only accepts group reservation. Please contact Ed Huang (925-659-3683) for group reservation before Jan. 31. These rooms are available on the first come first serve basis]

(A2) Elk Country Inn (480 West Pearl Ave.,Jackson, WY 83001)*  Telelphone : 307-733-2364

我們以 TAC-WC 的名義保留了 10 棟小木屋 ($268/cabin//night) , 每棟小木屋有一間臥室 (內 有兩大床及一沙發 )

B) West Yellowstone NP (July 23)*:  Brandin’ Iron Inn (201 Canyon St, West YellowStone, MT 59758).  Tel : 406-646-9411 ($204/room/night 含早餐 )

所有房價於入住前一個月可全額退費三天的房價兩人不超過 $800 ( 不含 稅10%) 。亦可四人一房, 房價省一半。巴士於 7/24 下午回到 SLC ,住宿於 University Guest-house ($120/room/night) 。

7/25 為 SLC 一日遊。The City tour is over at 3 PM.   


C) Moab, UT (July 21) :  Archie NP.  請打電話至下列旅館訂房。

La Quinta Inn & Suites Moab (815 South Main St., Moab, UT 84532)**  Telephone Number: (1-866-527-1498)  ($165/room/night 14.7%稅 ,含早餐 )

D) Cedar City, UT (July 22 and 23) :  請打電話至 下列旅館訂房。

Abbey Inn Cedar City (940 W 200 N, Cedar City, UT 84720)***  Tel : 435-586-9966  ($130./room/night 加 14.7%稅 ,含早餐 )

  • July 22: Canyonland NP and Capital Reef NP.
  • July 23: Bryce Canyon NP , 晚上八點觀賞莎士
  • 比亞名劇 馬克白 Macbeth” ($58/person) 。有興趣
  • 觀賞 7/23 莎士比亞名劇 馬克白 Macbeth” 親請
  • 儘早上網購票 ($58 為中間前排 位置 ) ,以免向隅。可
  • 搜尋 ”Utah Shakespeare Festival 2019” 購票。

E) July 24: Zion NP ,晚上巴士回 SLC, 將住宿在 University Guest-house in Salt Lake City ($120/room/night)

July 25: 巴士將有 Salt Lake City 一日遊. The City tour is over at 3 PM.   

訂房、購票時,若有疑問,可洽詢王進賢 (949-836-6075) 。主辦單位此刻正緊鑼密鼓的在進行議程規劃、邀請講員及設計報名網站中,親密切注意進一步的訊息。


2019 美西夏令會

*As of 1/26/2019, the Northbound tour has only 4 spaces left.

**Identify yourselves as members of TAC-WC, ask for the group rate of $154, if 75% of the reserved 25 rooms are filled before March 31 (Reservation Block confirmation number 08262398).

*** Pay only the group rate of $110 plus tax if the reserved 25 rooms are filled before March 31.

2019 TAC-WC Early Enrollment

Online enrollment for the 2019 TAC-WC event is not yet ready. For now, you can download and print out the registration form by clicking the link below: 

Fill out all the required information, together with all your selections. Add up all the costs and write a check made payable to TAC-WC (Taiwanese American Conference-West Coast). Mail the complete form and the check to :

TAC-WC (Taiwanese American Conference-West Coast)
c/o Ms Angel Yang, 650 Bellevue Way NE #3403, Bellevue, WA 98004

First Announcement of the TAC-WC Conference 2019   – Jim Wang

The Taiwanese American Conference-West Coast (TAC-WC) will take place during July 19-20, 2019 at the University Guest House and Conference Center, located in the historic Fort Douglas (110 Fort Douglas Blvd, Salt lake City, UT 84113). The Guest House and Conference Center includes a 180 room hotel with spectacular views of Salt Lake Valley and the surrounding University of Utah campus. The Conference Center has approximately 30,000 sq. ft of unique meeting space. Its proximity to a TRAX train station allows one to make a direct connection to downtown and to Salt Lake City International Airport. The rooms are comfortable, with affordable rates and also with nice amenities such as complimentary hot breakfast and wireless. In the summer months, it is competitive to book the Guest House and Conference Center for events.

Dr. Jim Wang (Emeritus Professor of the University of Utah) serves as the Chairman of the Board Directors of TAC-WC for 2018-19. He also assumes the responsibility of organizing the TAC-WC 2019 conference. The board members had proposed several subjects that could be used as the theme for the conference. After discussion and deliberation during the past months, the board members have unanimously chosen: Serve America; Giving back to Taiwan to be the theme for the conference, with Dr. Ed Huang in charge of the speaker selection committee to invite speakers to expound on this conference theme.

In addition to enjoying talks delivered by distinguished speakers, seeing old friends and making new acquaintances, another conference highlight will be the after conference tours. Hoping to provide the conference attendees with a delightful and unforgettable memory of the conference long after returning home, Dr. Jim Wang has personally designed the itinerary of two tours, with one going north and the other going south of Salt Lake City after viewing the life performance of the Mormon Choir and Spoken Word at the Temple Square Tabernacle in the morning of July 21, 2019. Along the way, you will enjoy the beautiful landscape of stunning mountains, lakes and rivers from the windows of a chartered tour bus as you are taken to various locations.The northbound tour group will cruise to Jackson Hole, Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. While in Jackson Hole, Jim also arranged to have the tour group to participate voluntarily in rafting through the Snake River, from which one can comfortably view the magnificent snow-capped Tetons. One might also spot a moose wading in the back eddy, an osprey diving in the river, or other rare animals playing on the banks of the Snake River.

The southbound tour group will be guided to visit five spectacular National Parks in Southern Utah (Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Bryce, and Zions). After touring Bryce Canyon National Park, the group is scheduled to lodge in Cedar City for the evening of July 23, 2019, in time to see the performance of a Shakespeare’s play Macbeth  at the world-renowned Utah Shakespeare Festival at 8 PM. The Utah Shakespeare Festival is widely recognized as one of the best professional theater events in the nation. It was awarded the Tony Award for outstanding “Regional Theater”. We are lucky to be in Cedar City during one of its short performance dates to see a performance.

加拿大台灣同鄉會 / 美西台灣人夏令會2018年聯合大會聲明

2018年7月6至8日,加拿大台灣同鄉會和美西台灣人夏令會在Vancouver Canada的Coast Coal Harbor Hotel共同舉行年會,會中近400人以「深耕北美、正名台灣 」題目進行研討,並作成如下聲明:

台灣,在愛好民主自由的國內外台灣人長期努力下,從威權體制走向民主的國家行列,但在國民黨長期的腐敗體制下,改革我們的司法正義與政治國格是民進黨政府不可停止的任務,也是我們這一代不可迴避之歷史責任。 我們呼籲:

1.台灣必須正名:2008年馬英九黨國體制,將台灣中國化,讓台灣地位掉入中國境域的危機。台灣在中華民國憲法架構下, 顯示台灣人無志氣,只有向下沉淪,國際社會也會認定台灣人無意願建立自己的國家,中國就有藉口在「一中原則」、「兩岸一中」的架構下,繼續壓迫台灣,這是台灣最大的危機。 我們要求台灣各政府機構包括駐外單位,都必須正名台灣,台灣人民必須更有自信與勇氣,向國際社會喊出台灣人民真實的心聲——制定憲法,正名台灣。


加拿大台灣同鄉會 、美西台灣人夏令會

2018年7月 8日

迎接 2018 TCA & TACWC 在溫哥華

報到:07 月 06 日 (禮拜五) 12:00 ~ 4:00 pm
地點:Coast Harbour Hotel (3rd Floor)
1180 West Hastings Street, Vancouver

4:30 pm 自 Coast Harbour Hotel 嚮導前往 Harbour Cruises.
登船地點:501 Denman Street, Vancouver
登船時間:5:20 pm
開船時間:6:00 pm

Open Ceremony
07 月 07 日 (禮拜六) 08:20 ~ 08:55 am

Closing Ceremony
07 月 08 日 (禮拜日) 11:00 ~ 11:30 am

Get Help:(604) 616-6038 TCA會長 Douglas 江文基。

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2018 TCA & TAC-WC Conference: 報名即將截止


今年7月6日到8日在溫哥華Coast Harbour Hotel 舉行的2018年會,首次聯合加拿大台灣同鄉會和美國西部夏令會共同舉辦,演講的貴賓有來自台灣的陳師孟監察委員、王定宇立法委員 、 賴其萬醫師、 民視郭倍宏董事長、 時代力量邱顯智、外貿協會莊碩漢副董事長、 和來自日本的永山英樹和謝蕙芝,和本地以及來自美國的演講嘉賓多名可說是桂冠雲集,目前已有超過300位報名參加,還沒有上網登記參加的您可不要錯過這難得的盛會。

陳師孟: 轉型正義的最後一道防線
王定宇: 陽光下的光與影 – 這兩年的台灣
賴其萬: 我們能為台灣日漸惡化的醫病關係做甚麼?介紹「醫病平台」
永山英樹/謝蕙芝: 在日台灣正名運動的現況及挑戰
郭倍宏: “獨立公投、正名入聯” – 喜樂島聯盟的訴求與行動
邱顯智: 從洪仲丘案、蕭明岳案、鄭性澤案談台灣司法問題
莊碩漢: 川普上任後台美加經貿關係與因應策略台美加經貿議題
楊欣晉: 「從北美台灣人先鋒基金會到我們的鴛鴦夢」
Dr. Colin Collins、Handol Kim、謝尚珍: 台美加生醫產業議題
蕭欣義: 從歷史看台灣的主權地位
吳權益: 深耕北美,正名台灣,跟日本有什麼關係?五個小故事的大啓示

報名網址: https://goo.gl/forms/iuA5jt0UE5wiMJj53

Douglas Chiang Email: douglaschiang1@gmail.com Phone: 604-616-6038
John Chou Email: johnclchou@gmail.com Phone: 206-660-2778
Carol Pan Email: carolpan88@gmail.com Phone: 604-786-7222

訊息更新:「深耕北美、正名台灣」- 2018加台會年會和美西夏令會

2018加台會年會和美西夏令會(TCA & TAC-WC Conference) 即將於七月六日-8日在加拿大溫哥華盛大登場。主題以「深耕北美、正名台灣」( Rooting North America, Recognizing Taiwan) 北美各地的熱心僑胞將與台灣本土的政治菁英及北美的年輕人展開對話,透過研討會的形式讓臺灣正名運動發聲,以冀引起國際關注和北美地區廣大民眾的迴響與支持。

這次為期三天的議程,我們所尊敬的陳師孟教授,郭倍宏董事長,王定宇立法委員,頼其萬教授, 邱顯智律師….等重量級的貴賓們,在他們非常忙碌寶貴的工作中特別為我們抽出時間來演講與分享討論,想到我們所愛的台灣,現正是我們關心的重要時刻,他們的鼓舞與理念的傳播, 正是此刻海外台灣人所需要的.很期待鄉親們能盡量撥辰時間踴躍來參加這半年多來我們所用心計劃的加拿大美國和台灣很有意義的跨國夏令會.

此次夏會會為首次「加台會年會」和「美西夏令會」共同舉辦的大型跨國 活動。所有的節目細節都以任務分組進行籌劃,每個環節設有負責人主導,務使活動內容豐富、精彩萬分,以期讓與會人士收穫滿載、增廣國內與國際視野,並獲得各界的熱烈響應。 初步估計將有逾三百人共襄盛舉。

七月的溫哥華白晝長,繁花似錦,碧草如茵,山明水秀, 正是人間好時節。 註冊後第一晚的破冰結緣,我們就準備了一個溫哥華濱海的計遊輪航程,輝煌的西海岸黃昏日落將是與會者難忘的一晚. 大會還為與會人士規劃了數種旅遊行程,讓眾人能飽覽加拿大山河壯麗、 奇幻美妙的景緻;包括復古懷舊的溫哥華島一日遊、一生難忘的洛磯 山脈四日或五日遊,其中五日遊保證住進全世界首屈一指的露易斯湖畔飯店Fairmont Château Lake Louise,機會實在非常非常難得,以及安排豪華享樂的阿拉斯加郵輪之旅一週。溫哥華七月是全球旅遊旺季中的旺季,旅館非常昂貴, 每晚500 +元之譜,大會所選定Coast Harbour Hotel為溫哥華最好的日系旅館,在美麗的溫哥華市中心, 有海洋有山巒有出名的 Stanley Park 為隣,為減輕大家的負擔7月6曰7日房價為250元,8日房價為 280元,(我們多訂一房,Hotel就虧一房).大會所能爭取到的房數實在非常有限, 歡迎有志之士盡快報名參加此難得的盛會,以免向隅 !


附註:洛磯山脈四日和五日遊後,7月12日或13日如果因機票或想再玩幾天,大會也特別努力交涉較平價在Burnaby 的 Best Western旅館.請看綱上細節.

2018 TCA & TAC-WC Conference
加台會 Douglas Chiang 江文基 604-616-6038
美西夏令會 John Chou 周昭亮 206-660-2778
大溫哥華台灣同鄉會 Carol Pan 張理瑲604-786-7222

Hotel reservation-2018 TCA&TAC-WC Conference

多謝參加2018年年會,考慮到參加會後旅遊鄉親住宿的問題,經大會安排Burnaby Best Western Hotel,請大家告訴大家多多利用,報名網址https://goo.gl/forms/CJaLVVWZyPnZ8gAZ2


Hotel Reservation at Vancouver (July 5-7 and July 8 )

June 11 – Guest Room Block will Release. We will need to ensure all guests who require a room in the hotel have made their reservations before this time. Reservations can be made in 2 ways:

  • Calling in: central reservations office at 1.800.663.1144 and quote the group code CCC-GFC6272 to book under the block
  • Online Booking Website: https://aws.passkey.com/e/49481134
  • July 5-7 ($250 per night) and July 8 ($280 per night) need to do a separate reservation.


Hotel Reservation at Burnaby (July 12 and 13)

  • July 12 and 13, 2018. Hotel Reservation at Best Western Burnaby Hotel (5411 Kingsway St, Burnaby, BC)
  • For standard Single queen bedroom, nightly rate will be $149 plus 15% tax per room for up the 2 people.
  • For standard 2 queen bedroom, the nightly rate will be $169 plus 15% tax per room for up to 4 people.
  • Hotel offer complimentary hot buffet breakfast and WIFI access.
  • You can email Vivian at vivian@bestwesternkingsinn.com or call hotel 1-800-211-1122 to make the booking under 2018 TCA & TAC-WC Conference.