Announcement No. 5 (Important information)
Dear Friends, Conference Time is rapidly approaching: In less than three weeks, we will gather
Short Bio of the Southbound Tour Guide, Jeanny Wang
Jeanny Wang is an environmental scientist and engineer with a love for nature, music, languages
Urgent Registration Updates
After June 1, the treasurer will not process the fees already paid until the members
TAC-WC 2019 Announcement No. 4
時光飛逝,歷經大半年的籌備,再過兩個月,我們即將在美西夏令會相聚。在5/5的籌備會議上,我向包括理事會在內的11位籌備委員報告目前的籌備進度:在籌備工作已進入尾聲的此刻,我們已有約120位鄉親報名參加會議,其中有10位為講員;此人數已超乎我原先的預期。120人已達會議室的最高容量,若人數持續增加,則需租用第二間會議室。不僅如此,55間客房也已全數售罄。7/19-20兩天,The University Guesthouse已喬不出客房了,請鄉親們儘量兩人一房,讓尚訂不到房的鄉親有房可住。 我們邀請到的講員有:4位G1講員,包括台灣高等法院法官洪英花;及6位G2講員,個個背景傑出。鄉親可到夏令會網站 (TAC-WC 2019-speakers-bios) 查看講員的詳細資訊。 鄉親參與會後旅遊遊的情況也非常踴躍。我洽租了兩部Le Bus,各有56個座位,皆為兩年的新車,配備有WiFi。北線(Great Teton and Yellowstone)一推出座位就被秒殺,目前有兩位鄉親候補中;而南線(Arches, Canyonland, Capitol Reef,
TAC-WC 2019 Announcement No. 3
歡迎來參加”美西夏令會”,會後國家公園尋幽攬勝 (2019美西夏令會第三次公告 3/16/2019) 本籌備會於1/8發出了第二次公告,敦促鄉親們於一月底前完成夏令會會後旅遊南、北線行程的飯店訂房。若您錯過了該次公告,我們謹在此再一次為您簡單介紹「2019美西夏令會」。 活動名稱:2019美西夏令會 活動時間:7/19-21, 2019 活動地點:University of Utah Guesthouse, Salt Lake City, Utah
2019 Post-Conference Tour Fees details 會後旅行費用明細
Several members who signed up for either the northbound or southbound tour have asked about
Direction from the SLC Airport to the University Guesthouse
After you exit the airport security area in Terminal 1, turn left (right side
2019 美西夏令會 (Salt Lake City, Utah) 第二次公告
2019.1.8 2019 美西夏令會將於 7 月 19 及 20 日於 Salt Lake City (SLC) 舉行,主辦單位將於近期公佈為期兩天的詳細會議 內容。本次公告僅就