G1 Speakers
黃河芬, Josephine Yang
演講題目: 台美人加油!!
經歷 – 黃河芬是台灣高雄人,畢業於高雄女中及輔仁大學英文系,曾任教於高雄正修工專。1977 年來美,一向以回饋的心情來服務台美社團。曽経當過柑縣台美公民協會創會會長, 爾灣姊妹市基金會董事, 柑縣台灣同鄉會會長, LagunaWoods 台灣同鄉會顧問。現任柑縣台灣人公共事務會會長, 柑縣台灣傳統週共同召集人, Unicare Biomedical Inc. 財務長, 爾灣愛恩台福基督教會宣教委員, 柑縣僑界急難救助協會理事
演講摘要 – 我引以台美人為榮。看見前輩可歌可泣的奮鬥史, 激勵我要為台灣的未來奮鬥。 各位鄉親都是心繫台灣, 胸懷美洲, 作國民外交, 把握時機為台灣發聲, 讓人敬佩。我多次參加愛恩台福基督教會「恩典合唱團台灣監獄短宣」,每一次回台兩星期到 20 個台灣監獄宣教, 目的是感化同學們浴火重生, 以便 減少台灣社會的成本。台美人的特質是認真做事, 有誠信, 腳踏實地, 盡心盡力奉獻故鄉與社區。我會分享這 40 年來草根性的經歷和目的。為了使台灣能成為主權獨立的國家, 台灣人和台美人必須團結合作, 有共同的台灣意識讓我們这一群志同道合的人一起從事我們熱心參與的活動, 來服務美國, 回饋台灣。 加油!
許宗邦, Charles C. Hsu
演講題目: NATMA International Medical Missions in Central and South America
Experience – Director of Primary Care, Colima Medical Clinic in Hacienda Heights, CA。 Emeritus Partner of Kaiser Permanente Southern California。 Coordinator of NATMA International medical missions to Belize (2011); Guatemala in 2017, 2015 & 2013; Honduras in 2019 & 2018。President of NATPA 2014-2015。Ex-president of NATMA, Southern California Chapter
Abstract of the talk – North America Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA) has carried out medical missions in under developed countries since 2006. These countries include Haiti, Grenada,Costa Rica, Panama, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Belize, Myanmar, Cambodia, Paraguay, and Honduras. The members of NATMA are licensed physicians, dentists, pharmacists, acupuncturists, as well as medical school professors. They served thousands of underprivileged people by offering medical care, surgical operation, and dental care free of charge. They also donated medicines, and medical lab equipment, etc. When time allowed, they also gave free lectures at the medical school of local universities. The medical missions provide humanitarian aids as well as enhance international relationship between Taiwan and the host countries.
蔡明峰: Martin Tsai
演講題目: 假資訊(消息;新聞) vs大衆媒体攸關台灣社安,國安
經歷 – 明志, 逢甲, 聯合, 勤益 – 程序控制講師, 副教授。 紐約, 紐澤西, 同鄉會長各2屆。 紐約台灣會館理事長4年。民進黨美東主委4年, 評召2年。前僑務委員3年。 現任: 台灣海外網(www.taiwanus.net) 創辧主持人; 大紐約區筆會會長
演講摘要 – 今日大衆媒体 – 多元化媒体, 種類, 功能, 社群(交)網絡時代的輿論戰&超限戰。中國正以文宣媒介欲謀取台灣, 摧毁社防。心防國家認同歧異危害新聞專業, 媒體模糊認同的核心價值, 媒体已由工具轉變為武器, 新聞無扭曲作假的自由破除, 新聞媒体的障礙, 扭曲抹黑作假, 勞力,資金密集產業台灣國民應有的媒体智識&對策。網紅, 網軍, 網專, 網警
陳慧中 Cecilia Chen
演講題目: ???
演講題目: 談臺灣司法改革
學歷: 東吳大學法學碩士現職: 臺灣臺北地方法院審判長
經歷: 臺灣士林地方法院庭長, 臺灣高等法院法官, 臺灣澎湖地方法院庭長,
國民大會主席團主席, 臺灣臺中地方法院法官, 臺灣高雄地方法院法官
G2 Speakers
王威舜 Wilson Wang
演講題目: Almost M.I.T. (Made In Taiwan)
Education: Wilson earned his MD from UC Davis, an MPH from UC Berkeley and an MPA from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.
Experience: 2004-2006: Worked as Legislative Assistant for Joseph Lieberman in the U.S. Senate. His health team passed bills on avian flu, health care disparities, disaster preparedness and vaccine safety. 2007-2010: Medical Director at Harlem’s District Public Health Office focusing on youth development and asthma control. 2011-2016: Lived abroad in Rwanda, Liberia and Indonesia, to build and to maintain healthcare
systems with the NGO’s PIH, IRC and SAVE. Wilson is the Founder & CEO of Walking Doctors a cloud-based software company that helps
doctors in low and middle-income countries make faster more accurate decisions (walkingdocs.com). Currently, Wilson is a pediatric hospitalist and emergency room physician at NYU and New York City H&H Hospitals. He also teaches at NYU’s College of Global Public Health.
Abstract of the talk: What does it mean to be Taiwanese-American? In this interactive talk, Dr. Wang discusses identity politics and its implication to personal and career development. From his childhood in Salt Lake, Utah, where he was born; to working the marble halls of the U.S. Senate, to administering care in a latex suit in post-Ebola Monrovia, Liberia — running questions include: Who am I? Who do I represent. What does all this mean? The answers simultaneously guide and cannot be achieved.
Chieh-Ting Yeh 葉介庭
演講題目: ???
Experience: Chieh-Ting Yeh grew up in Taiwan and New York, and graduated with a BA in chemistry from Harvard and a JD from Harvard Law School. He was the Co-President of the Harvard Asia Law Society. He worked on international affairs and strategy at the DPP, London’s Demos think tank, and the Third Society Party. He was an attorney with the law firms Sullivan & Cromwell and Morrison Foerster, specializing in corporate finance, M&A, and tech startups. His clients included Goldman Sachs, Mitsubishi UFJ, and GREE. He founded Ketagalan Media, a media brand for contemporary Taiwan politics, business, and culture. He also co-founded the Global Taiwan Institute and serves as Vice Chairman. He has written for Foreign Policy, Apple Daily, Commonwealth Magazine and British fashion magazine Glass. He is fluent in Taiwanese, Chinese, Japanese and English, and is currently based in Silicon Valley.
葉介庭於台灣大溪與美國紐約長大,哈佛大學化學系以及哈佛法學院畢業。曾擔任美國台裔學生協會董事,以及哈佛亞洲法律學會會長。在民進黨,英國倫敦 Demos 智庫,以及第三社會黨擔任國際事務與策略擬定。畢業後於華爾街事務所 Sullivan & Cromwell 與矽谷法律事務所Morrison Foerster 就職,專攻企業融資與跨國合併項目,客戶包括高盛,三菱金融,和日本網上遊戲平台 GREE。之後創辦《Ketagalan Media》 媒體品牌,為全球讀者建立當代台灣政治,經貿,文化印象,更參與籌備《全球台灣研究中心》以及擔任其副董事長。為美國外政策雜誌, 蘋果日報, 想想台灣, 天下論壇, 英國時尚雜誌 Glass 撰文。熟悉台, 中, 英, 日文,現住加州矽
Abstract: ????????
Deana Chuang 莊惠綺
演講題目: The Rewards of Public Service
Experience: Deana Chuang is a second-generation Taiwanese American from Southern California. She currently works as a prosecutor for the City of Pasadena and has dedicated most of her career to public service. Deana currently serves as the Chairwoman of the Domestic Violence Project of the North American Taiwanese Women’s Association (NATWA) and as a volunteer for the Center for the Pacific Asian Family, a shelter for domestic violence survivors. She previously served as Co Coordinator of the NATWA II, Chairwoman of the Asian Pacific American Women Lawyers Alliance, and Board Member of the California State Bar’s Committee on Women in the Law. Deana graduated from Pomona College with degrees in Sociology and Women’s Studies and the University of Pennsylvania Law School.
ABSTRACT: As immigrants to the United States, we have all benefited from the wealth of opportunities that this country has to offer. Not many countries welcome immigrants and provide them with opportunities to succeed. While the journey in a new country may not be easy, many of us have success in our adopted country. We, in turn, should help make things better for others struggling and less fortunate in both the United States and Taiwan.
Leona Chen 陳文羿
演講題目: Serving U.S. and Giving Back to Taiwan
Experience: Leona Chen grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2018. She was also part of the inaugural graduating class of Fremont Taiwan School, a parent volunteer-run after-school program for Taiwanese languages, culture, and performing arts. Her debut poetry collection, Book of Cord (Tinfish Press 2018), discusses the state propaganda and lyric traditions of Taiwan and its diaspora. She is the editor-in-chief of TaiwaneseAmerican.org and the 2nd-Gen liaison for the Taiwanese American Federation of Northern California (TAFNC), both non-profit organizations, dedicated to uplifting and empowering the Taiwanese American community.
Abstract: My work in the Taiwanese American community today manifests through three channels: editorially, through TaiwaneseAmerican.org, service-based, through the Taiwanese American Federation of Northern California, and creatively, through the debut of my poetry collection on Taiwanese identity, Book of Cord. I was also in the inaugural class of Fremont Taiwan School and raised by founders and leaders within our community. I am extraordinarily lucky to have always found a sense of home, family, and identity because of the work of so many Taiwanese American organizations in the bay area. I have a line in my poetry collection that says: My mother presses a liberation flag into my palm and tells me: this revolution will be my only inheritance. What I believe we have inherited as Taiwanese people is a very young democracy that needs protecting and defending. What we offer as Taiwanese Americans is a dual sense of empathy, the ability to speak our mind in a democracy hundreds of years old, to have additional context to issues like police brutality and indigenous rights. I hope to offer this duality to our panel today. Thank you for having me.
Lily Wang, 王俐力
演講題目: Pain Management for Seniors
Experience: Assistant Professor, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati Neuroradiologist, University of Cincinnati Medical Center Director of Medical Student Radiology Education, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Staff Pediatric Radiologist/Neuroradiologist, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center 2014-to date: President, Formosa Association for Public Affairs, Ohio South Chapter, 台灣人公共事務協會分會長 2012-to date: Committee & volunteer, Cincinnati New Taipei City Sisters Association, 辛辛那提新北市姊妹市協會委員 2014-2015: President, Ohio Chapter, North America Taiwanese Women’s Association, 北美台灣婦女會 2014-2016: Midwest regional chair, Taiwanese Association of America, 中西部台灣同鄉會理事長. 2012- 2013 : President, Taiwanese Association of Cincinnati, 辛辛那提台灣同鄉會會長
Pain in the back背痛。 背痛是很多人的煩惱,有時候痛起來實在是要人命。
背痛的原因有很多種,為什麼背會痛? 什麼時候要警覺,做檢查?背痛如何的診斷和有什麼治療方法。
Julie Wu
演講題目: Growing into a Life of Service
Experience: Julie Wu’s debut novel, “The Third Son” (Algonquin Books) was listed as one of 10 riveting reads of May 2013 by O, The Oprah Magazine. Kirkus Reviews calls “The Third Son” an “alluring story that hits all the right emotional buttons and maintains readers’ empathy from the first page to the last.” The Taipei Times calls it the best novel featuring Taiwan I’ve ever read. . .
a fantastically good read” Julie was the recipient of a 2012 Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellowship. Her short fiction won honorable mention in the 2010 Lorian Hemingway Short Story Contest and has been published in Columbia Magazine. Also a physician, she has published creative nonfiction in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). She earned a B.A. in Literature from Harvard and spent a year studying opera performance at Indiana University in Bloomington. An active member of her local community, Julie is staff soloist at her neighborhood church, serves as founder and chair of the non-profit group, Belmont Composts!, and as board member of the Belmont Food Collaborative. A real estate agent with Keller Williams Boston Northwest, she donates part of her commission to local nonprofit organizations. She is a member of the Belmont Democratic Town Committee
and has twice served as a delegate at the annual Massachusetts Democratic Convention. She was recently elected Town Meeting representative of her town precinct.
Abstract: As a second generation Taiwanese-American, I was brought up to study hard, mind my own business, and stay away from politics. Over the years and decades, however, I have found it increasingly important and increasingly meaningful to be engaged with the communities I belong to, whether through my art or through community participation and action.